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Chinese Medicine, Summer And The Heart

Whether we are aware of it or not, each season can have a profound influence upon our health and well-being. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is associated with the Fire element, which rules the heart and the small intestine, as well as thought processes and emotional well-being. Summer is a time of outgoingness and moving outward in nature and in our lives. The level of enjoyment we have during this season depends on the balance of the Fire element.

When the Fire element is in balance, the heart is strong and healthy, the mind is calm and sleep is sound. We experience enthusiasm and warmth in our relationships. When it is imbalanced, we may either lack joy (depression) or have an excess of joy (mania).

Signs and symptoms of a heart and small intestine imbalance according to Chinese Medicine:

Emotional: Anxiety, disturbed sleep, excessive dreams, inappropriate laughter, lack of joy or humor, lack of social warmth, mental confusion, overly critical approach to people and life, poor self-esteem, restlessness, sadness, etc.

Physical: Anemia, angina, digestive troubles, dizziness, easily startled, frozen shoulder, hemorrhoids, hot flashes, painful joints, insomnia, low or high blood pressure, palpitations, poor circulation, red cheeks, stiff neck, sweating problems, urinary problems, varicose veins, etc.

Acupuncture And The Heart

Over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system is common with patients who suffer from heart problems. Over time, this may cause the heart to work harder, forcing blood to flow through blood vessels that are constricted due to heightened nerve activity. Such over-activation makes it more likely that the heart will develop potentially lethal rhythm patterns.

Acupuncture can improve the health of patients who experience severe heart problems by dramatically reducing the activity in the sympathetic nervous system that regulates heartbeat and blood pressure. According to new research conducted by the International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience, acupuncture controls the heart rate and increases the strength of cardiac autonomic function. This new research indicates that the use of specific acupuncture points may help to prevent heart attacks and arrhythmias (abnormal muscle contractions in the heart). Talk to your acupuncturist if you are experiencing any of the emotional and physical the signs and symptoms that may relate to an imbalance of the heart.


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Points Toward Health

Rubbing acupressure points with your finger for 30-60 seconds can stimulate these points and promote health and well-being.

Heart 7 (• P1)

Location: With palm facing up, on the inside of the wrist, on the little finger side of the crease where the hand meets the wrist.

Function: Promotes a calm mind, alleviates anxiety, stimulates memory, and corrects insomnia. Also useful in alleviating hysteria, sadness, fear and fright, heart palpitations and shortness of breath.

Pericardium 6 (• P2)

Location: On the inside of the forearm, in between the tendons, approximately 2½ finger widths below the wrist crease.

Function: Reduces irritability, anxiety and stress. Regulates discomfort and pain in the hypochondriac region and chest. Good for poor memory, insomnia, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, wrist pain and neck aches.

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